Thursday, 20 June 2013

Takao Maruyama

He was my least favorite... at a glance.
Perhaps it's because he does not seem to have a personality that makes him stand out more than the others. I tend to avoid the "goody-two-shoes" kind of guy for an unknown reason.
His profile is not too bad. However, having "Awkward" as his "word" is not a very good selling point. As a fan of MFW, I decided to buy his story. It was worth it!

Tuesday, 11 June 2013

Takamasa Saeki CGs

Story 1
A Life That's Sweet
"Since there are two of us living together from now on, we probably need a duplicate key? Guess I'll count on you from now on, honey!"

Story 6
To the Love Nest
"Don't worry about the blister. You can just tell me everything from now on. We're a couple, right?"

Story 9
I Don't Want to Let Go
"My heart was fluttering with excitement. Did you have any idea?"

Story 11
Keep This a Secret Between Us
"Your ears are really sensitive! Great, I found your weak spot!"

Story 13
"That was the first time I showed myself like that to anyone. I can just be myself in front of you"

Super Happy Ending
This Kiss is Forever
"Are you thinking we'll end with this kiss? I guess we have lots to look forward to, my sweetheart"